We have had a rough year but hope that we notice all the blessings it brought. To start off we lost a few members of our family. In June our baby boy was born too early therefore didn't live, and we also lost my Grandma Simpson this last September. We miss them often.

Cameron has finished up a semester at ISU with one more to go. He also works at the Bannock Youth Foundation working with kids who need a place to live for one reason or another. It's rewarding most of the time, but they definetly give him a good way to practice dealing with teenagers in all situations. He still enjoys fishing and we have been able to go a few times this year. He will hopefully graduate in May and we will be on to bigger and better things.
I (Katie) have been kept busy through taking care of Amanda and Cameron and also doing some enjoyable things of my own. I am the Assistant Varsity Volleyball Coach at Pocatello High School under my dad and enjoy keeping involved with volleyball. I was on an Intramural Volleyball team at ISU with Dan and Kelsey and we took first place in our division. We were pretty good. I read a lot and am into a lot of new series. I went to the premier of Twilight and absolutely loved it. I look forward to moving onto a new chapter and hope to extend our family soon.

Amanda keeps us all busy and on our toes. She gets into everything and is very curious. She is walking great and has 16 teeth. Her favorite things are Monkey, Bear, and Books. We are really original in the names, but at least we know what she is asking for. She had her year birthday this year with a lot of friends and family that attended. It was fun. She has the cutest little smile and we are so glad to have her in our family.
So to wrap things up, we have had our challenges and will be glad when 2009 comes around, but we have been blessed and hope to live our lives so we will continue to be worthy to recieve more. We hope everyone has a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. We love you all.
Love The Homers