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Saturday, July 24, 2010


So since I've been pregnant I've had a hard time keeping up on this blog. But I finally got some pictures put on here that I've meant to for the last 6 months. It goes from oldest to newest. Enjoy!

Me and Amanda

Amanda and Cameron eating Green Eggs and Ham on St. Patrick's Day.

Amanda and I having a snowball fight when it snowed end of March.

Amanda at nap time. She is always sleeping with something.

Amanda in her new Easter dress.

Amanda finding chocolate eggs on Easter around the house.
Cameron walking through the arch at ISU with Amanda.

They had a lunch for those who are graduating after they walked through the arch. Cameron's sister Marcelle came with her son Jonas.

Our future graduate.

Aunt Ray, Grandpa, my mom, and Amanda. All waiting for Cameron's graduation to start.

We are so proud of him for graduating.
Some of Cameron's family came up to see him graduate. This is Lynda's sister and husband with Jonas and Maggie.

Our princess dressing up in her dress and mommy's shoes.

She is so excited for her first barbie.

Playing with her barbie doll. She has been such a good girl during my pregnancy we got her a present.