So I don't know how many of you know...but we have had the twins. They are about 2 1/2 months early. Here is the shortened version of their miraculous arrival. On Sept. 22 I woke up and all of the sudden had very painful contractions very close together. We were going to take me to the hospital when I felt something and it turned out to be the head of baby. I yelled for Cameron, he came in the bathroom and saw. Then my water broke and the baby came out. Cameron grabbed her, dried her off, helped her breathe and then layed her on my stomach and covered her up. So pretty much Cameron delivered our baby. About 2 minutes later the paramedics got there, they cut the cord, and ran with the baby to the hospital. Then they took me in the ambulance to the hospital. There they found out baby 2 was breech and we had to do an emergency c-section. In the operating room baby 2 decided she didn't want to wait either and so I delivered her breech. I really wanted to be knocked out...but no such luck. The babies are now in EIRMC at the NICU. They are doing well and progressing well also. We are very grateful they are alive and doing so well. We named the first baby Emma Jay and baby 2- Eva Ray. I will post pictures either later today or this week, so come look at our new additions.
1) Cameron drives bus for the city. We passed one and Amanda said, "Daddy is so funny and handsome." 2) She puts her arms around Cam and I's neck, pulls us close and says..." I love you guys." 3) Gives a hug and says..."I love you sooo much." 4) "Get married when I'm Big in the Movie Temple." Referring to the Disney World Castle at the beginning of Disney movies. She thinks it's a temple and that's the one she wants to be married in. 5) We were sitting on the couch and we told Amanda she was getting a new bed. We said, "you are getting a twin bed." She looks at us and says, "Oh Holy Ghost". I think she was excited. 6) I told her she was getting too big and needed to stay my little girl, her reply, "It's ok mom, but you have to let me grow up. I'll be ok, but I'm getting big now and it's time I grow up."