Tuesday, December 14, 2010
So our family has been extremely blessed over these last few months. The girls are now home and our whole family is again under one roof. We brought the twins home the Wednesday before Thanksgiving. All the doctors were surprised they had done so well. They didn't expect us to get them before their due date which still hasn't come up. They will be term on December 24th so we brought them home a full month before we thought. :) Since they've been home Amanda has become a great big sister and seems much older than her 3 years. Cameron is back to a regular work schedule and I'm secluded to the house except when Cameron or someone in our family is willing to come sit with the girls. We are truly blessed and we are very grateful for all our family and friends who have kept them in their prayers. They continue to grow and are almost out of premie clothes, and most days are off oxygen. Last Saturday my sister Morgan got married and we took them to get pictures. When I get those I will post them. They, along with Amanda were adorable and Morgan was gorgeous. That's the update. :)
Amanda watching a movie and almost falling asleep against the couch.
Daddy and Emma taking a quick nap after a feeding.
This is how they usually sleep next to each other. Eva on the left, Emma on the right.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Funny Story
We have been staying in Idaho Falls and one night I put Amanda down for bed. She handed me something to throw away and she said, "It's a red, red, red...purple,purple,purple (repeated about 3 more times)" Then she stopped and said, "I don't know what I'm saying." She then laid down. I turned to Cameron and tried not to laugh. We did laugh though after we left the room. It was pretty funny.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
So Blogger isn't letting me upload any more photos at the moment for some reason, but here are the most recent anyway. We have some zoo ones that I will put up later also. We had kind of a set back with Emma. She got an viral infection and wasn't doing well. She had a fever and a hard time breathing so they put her on a ventilator with a tube down her throat to breath for her. She is doing better now. She is currently on a c-pap machine and will hopefully get to join her sister upstairs soon and breathing on her own. Eva is breathing without any help of oxygen and she took a bottle for the first time yesterday. All is well.
Astronaut (London), Snow White (Jenna), Princess Leah (Amanda) at Halloween
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Amanda's Birthday and Updated Twin Pictures
So Amanda turned 3 on Sunday. She had 2 parties. One on Saturday with her friends and one on Sunday with her family. She had a good time. My little girl is now big and she lets me know frequently. Here's some pictures of her birthday and then some of the twins.
Amanda opening presents. This is the Tinkerbell movies.
The Cinderella cake that I made for Amanda. She liked it.
This is Amanda seeing the cake for the first time.
The cake that we made to share with everyone. Amanda is blowing out the candles.
Sunday morning. Amanda gets breakfast in bed since it's her birthday.
The cake Cameron made for Amanda's birthday party with her friends.
Amanda and her friends at the park for her party.
This picture makes her look funny but this is Emma. I liked the bow.
This is Eva before she got her pic line out. Again...this is for the bow. :)
Eva sleeping. This is one of her favorite positions to sleep in. Amanda sleeps like this too.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
All My Girls
They're Here!!
So I don't know how many of you know...but we have had the twins. They are about 2 1/2 months early. Here is the shortened version of their miraculous arrival. On Sept. 22 I woke up and all of the sudden had very painful contractions very close together. We were going to take me to the hospital when I felt something and it turned out to be the head of baby. I yelled for Cameron, he came in the bathroom and saw. Then my water broke and the baby came out. Cameron grabbed her, dried her off, helped her breathe and then layed her on my stomach and covered her up. So pretty much Cameron delivered our baby. About 2 minutes later the paramedics got there, they cut the cord, and ran with the baby to the hospital. Then they took me in the ambulance to the hospital. There they found out baby 2 was breech and we had to do an emergency c-section. In the operating room baby 2 decided she didn't want to wait either and so I delivered her breech. I really wanted to be knocked out...but no such luck. The babies are now in EIRMC at the NICU. They are doing well and progressing well also. We are very grateful they are alive and doing so well. We named the first baby Emma Jay and baby 2- Eva Ray. I will post pictures either later today or this week, so come look at our new additions.
Saturday, July 24, 2010
So since I've been pregnant I've had a hard time keeping up on this blog. But I finally got some pictures put on here that I've meant to for the last 6 months. It goes from oldest to newest. Enjoy!
Me and Amanda
Amanda and Cameron eating Green Eggs and Ham on St. Patrick's Day.
Amanda and I having a snowball fight when it snowed end of March.
Amanda at nap time. She is always sleeping with something.
Amanda in her new Easter dress.
Cameron walking through the arch at ISU with Amanda.
They had a lunch for those who are graduating after they walked through the arch. Cameron's sister Marcelle came with her son Jonas.

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