Wednesday, June 22, 2011
So Amanda spilled some popcorn on the floor today and when we went to pick it up she says, "Goodbye Popcorn...I will never see you again." Then she keeps saying it until she burst into song singing it. Let's just say sometimes I feel like I live in a musical. Anyway, we have stayed really busy this last week. On Thursday, Cameron and I went to Playmill with mom and dad, and Morgan and Norman. Then on Friday we went to Idaho Falls and hung out there during the day while Cameron interviewed. We went to the Green Belt and then the park. Then on Saturday we went to the Family Fun Day at Ross Park. Some of the characters of Star Wars were there. Amanda was so excited. Tonight we are going to the circus. There will be pictures of that to follow. :)
Amanda in one of her new swimming suits running through the sprinkler.
Benny the Bengal at Family Fun Day. She thought he was cool and wanted a picture with him.
Amanda and one of the Storm Troopers from Star Wars at Family Fun Day.
We needed a picture of the newer version of the Storm Trooper. This one is the newer model. :)
We were getting ready to go home and Amanda saw the Storm Trooper with red on him and ran up to him to have him sign her papers and get a picture with him.
This literally was the highlight of her day. She got to meet Darth Vader and she loved the "lady with no hair" That's what she calls her. So Darth Mal has Eva, Darth Vader, Amanda, Ventress, and the Jedi has Emma.
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
So it has been brought to my attention that I haven't updated my blog. And I've decided that when you have 3 different people tell you within a few days of each other to do's time I get on it. It's not like I have anything better to do. :) So here is the update with mainly pictures. We are loving our new ward, Amanda just got a new bike, Emma and Eva both have 2 teeth and can roll over whenever they want, I try to stay sane, and Cameron is still looking for a full time job with benefits. There you have enjoy the photos. :)
Emma on the left, Eva on the of the few days it was sunny so we went outside.
Eva on the left...she's hungry, and Emma...she doesn't really care. :)
Amanda during quiet time...tea party with Jasmine and Sleeping Beauty...that's what she named her barbies that day. It changes frequently.
Eva on the left, Emma on the right...I won't let them chew their own they chew each others.
Dad and Amanda at the Ammon Cemetary on Memorial Day. As was cold.
Our family and Grandpa next to Baby Cameron's grave. It's hard to believe it's been 3 years. I remember it very vividly still. :(
Amanda's hair for church on Sunday...I got turned out pretty good, but it didn't last too long past church...but it did last through church. :)
Our family when Grandma and Grandpa Rhoades and Mikayla came out to visit.
Our 4 generation picture...those are always necessary. We got one of Amanda when she was a little older than the twins last time Granny and Grandpa were out here visiting.
Our fire department did an open house one Saturday...we took Amanda. She loved it. This is her being a firefighter.
She stood on the fire truck and the fireman there pulled out the hose for her to hold. I like it. :)
This is Amanda actually shooting the water out of the hose. They had a target and were letting people try and shoot had a cartoon flame that you were suppose to put out. Amanda loved this...but she loves anything involving water. :)
This is one of the firefighters that responded to the call when Emma was born in the bathroom. His partner was the one who rushed Emma to the hospital and he stayed and took me in the ambulance. So this is Emma with one of the people that helped save her life. He was really surprised that she was as big as she was...let alone alive. :)
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