Ok...Here are a few of the pictures of the girls and what has been going on in the last several months. :) Although, they are mostly in order, some of them are not and so just enjoy.

Eva, and Emma and their "BEAR BUMS"

They fell asleep playing in their crib together and they look the same. :)

Halloween costumes...Amanda-Darth Vadar, Emma-R2D2, Eva-C3PO. I might have posted this one already...but it's cute so why not again. :)

Our trip to Nauvoo last October for my old roommates wedding. We stopped and saw my Grandma and Grandpa Rhoades, as well as Jeralyn and Buckley (Cameron's sister). We walked around Nauvoo too. It was a lot of fun. Good to see my good friend Kristi again too.

This was the babies birthday cakes this year when they turned 1. Emma had the bunny and Eva had the lady bug.

This was at the Eastern Idaho State Fair last September. Amanda and I held this cute little puppy. Pretty much we would buy and puppy and take it home...if we could...and if we had somewhere to put it. So needless to say, we just loved it for a few mintues, then moved on.

Babies first time playing in the snow. Eva on the left...Emma on the right. Not sure if they liked it as much...but they stayed warm in those clothes.

This is pretty much what Eva looks like now. She loves to climb up on boxes and then will just sit there and play with whatever she can reach from on top.

Emma likes to have her picture taken...but only if she can get really close and try to touch it.

This is Amanda's first tumbling recital. She did so well, and had a great time. She is in tumbling again this session and has her recital at the end of May...hopefully I'll get pictures up of that too. She's in the middle if you can't tell. :)

Doing the butterfly at the tumbling recital.
This was this last weekend for conference at my parents house. Amanda wanted to play volleyball so my sister Morgan took her outside to pass the ball. Let me just say...Amanda has the form of a volleyball player. Look at that stance already. She's a natural. :)
Our family picture in our Nebraska stuff. We are Cornhusker fans and we must show it proudly. :)
Your girls are so big, I can't believe it! Too cute. And I love your new haircut, Katie! Hope you guys are doing well.
Love the pics!! I can't believe how big the girls are getting and how cute they are. So happy you guys are doing well!
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